Category: Comedy
Tags: gamora soul stoneshieldshield tricksismahawkbuckycaptain marvelsuperherotrickshotavengers infinity waravengers endgamecaptain americathanosmcuinfinity war shieldinfinity warsoul stoneiron manparodytricksrusso brothersfor kidsfamily friendlysteve rogersred skullblack panthermarvelavengerssuperheroesdude perfectendgamedude perfect trick shotsdudeperfecttrick shotscaptain america hammerwinter soldiersatire
Description: Capital America takes Trick Shots to the next level! Falcon and Winter Soldier challenge Steve Rogers to show off his latest trick shot skills! Some of our biggest videos ever are coming out soon so stay tuned so you won't miss a thing! ►Click HERE to subscribe to Ismahawk! ►Click HERE to watch our most recent videos! 👕 VISIT our NEW STORE!: 🎥 BEHIND THE SCENES: Coming Soon 🔵 Join our community! 👾 DISCORD ➤ 👥 FACEBOOK ➤ 🐦 TWITTER ➤ 📷 INSTAGRAM ➤ 🔶 WANT MORE CONTENT? Help support us on PATREON ➤ 🎭 CAST Captain America: Geoff Christian ( Winter Soldier: Noel Schefflin ( Falcon: Tamoi Lott ( Pickle Dad (and Family): Tony Smith ( 🎥 CREW Directed by: Danny Shepherd ( Director of Photography: Jeremy Le ( Producer: Melissa Moon (, Adam Kilbourn ( Executive Producer: John Carle ( Associate Producer: Adonis Lewis ( First AD: Melissa Moon Edited by: Danny Shepherd Visual Effects: Danny Shepherd, Preston Scott ( Post Sound: Chris Canopen (, Colton Rybus ( Music by Johny Scigulinsky Grip: Jeremy “Jimmy” Korhonen ( Production Assistant: Preston Scott ❤️ SPECIAL THANKS! Yoshi Sudarso for the Captain America costume!